The Municipality of Polican
Municipality | Municipality Center | Administrative Units | Respective cities and villages |
Polican | Polican City | ||
Terpan | Villages; Terpan, Teman, Paraspuar, Tozhar, Vokopole, Dodovec, Rehove, Zhapokike, Corogjaf, Panarit, Plashnik i Madh, Lugas, Zhitom i Madh, Zhitom i Vogel | ||
Vertop | Villages; Mbrakull, Vertop, Kapinove, Zgerbonje, Vodice, Fushe Peshtan, Peshtan, Drenove, Lybeshe, Tomor i madh, Tomor i vogel, Bregas | ||
Sub-criteria 1 Does the public administration have a clear vision and participatory and inclusive plan to achieve development? 83
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
11 | Is there a general local plan which takes in consideration the community vision and thoughts? | 0-100 where 0=No Plan, 25 =Partial Plan with little consideration for Community Thoughts, 50= Partial Plan with partial consideration, 75= Good plan with good consideration 100=Very Good plan with full consideration | 88 | 84 | 86 | ||
11 | Is there a general local plan which takes in consideration the community vision and thoughts? | 0-100 where 0=No Plan, 25 =Partial Plan with little consideration for Community Thoughts, 50= Partial Plan with partial consideration, 75= Good plan with good consideration 100=Very Good plan with full consideration | 86 | 93 | 90 | ||
12 | (If 11 = 0) Is there a strategic local plan for the Municipality that has gone through a participatory process? | 0-100 where 0=No Plan, 25 =Partial Plan with little participation, 50= Partial Plan with partial participation 75= Good plan with good participation 100=Very Good Plan with full consideration | |||||
12 | (If 11 = 0) Is there a strategic local plan for the Municipality that has gone through a participatory process? | 0-100 where 0=No Plan, 25 =Partial Plan with little participation, 50= Partial Plan with partial participation 75= Good plan with good participation 100=Very Good Plan with full consideration | |||||
13 | (If 12 = 0) Is there any other plan (e.g. operational development plan or other medium-term plan) for the Municipality? | 0=No other plans, 50=some plans 100=All necessary Plans | |||||
13 | (If 12 = 0) Is there any other plan (e.g. operational development plan or other medium-term plan) for the Municipality? | 0=No other plans, 50=some plans 100=All necessary Plans | |||||
2 | Are there annual plans for various sectors (education, infrastructure, waste management, water, forestry etc.)? | 0=No sectorial plans, 25= Few Sectorial Plans 50=some plans 75=Most of Sectorial plans, 100= All of the necessary sectorial plans | 65 | 63 | 64 | ||
2 | Are there annual plans for various sectors (education, infrastructure, waste management, water, forestry etc.)? | 0=No sectorial plans, 25= Few Sectorial Plans 50=some plans 75=Most of Sectorial plans, 100= All of the necessary sectorial plans | 72 | 89 | 81 | ||
3 | Are these plans implemented in order to guide the municipality decision-making process? (Are these plans implemented) | 0 to 100 where 0= No Implementation, 25=Poor Implementation, 50=Some Implementation, 75=Good Implementation, 100=Perfect Implementation | 88 | 81 | 84 | ||
3 | Are these plans implemented in order to guide the municipality decision-making process? (Are these plans implemented) | 0 to 100 where 0= No Implementation, 25=Poor Implementation, 50=Some Implementation, 75=Good Implementation, 100=Perfect Implementation | 78 | 82 | 80 |
Sub-criteria 2 Financial Management: Is there an effective and efficient planning and management of local financial resources? 60
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | Does the municipality have a medium term budget framework to deliver its strategic plan objectives/or projects? | 0=No Medium Term Budget, 25=Medium term budget with little/no linkage to strategic plan/objective, 50= Medium term budget with some linkage to strategic plan/objectives 75=Medium term budget with good linkage to strategic plan/objectives, 100=Medium | 75 | 72 | 73 | ||
1 | Does the municipality have a medium term budget framework to deliver its strategic plan objectives/or projects? | 0=No Medium Term Budget, 25=Medium term budget with little/no linkage to strategic plan/objective, 50= Medium term budget with some linkage to strategic plan/objectives 75=Medium term budget with good linkage to strategic plan/objectives, 100=Medium | 69 | 86 | 78 | ||
2 | Does your Municipality have the adequacy and capacity (administration and department staffing) to manage its budget efficiently? | 0 to 100 where 0= no capacity, 25= little capacity, 50=some capacity, 75= good capacity, 100=full capacity | 73 | 73 | |||
2 | Does your Municipality have the adequacy and capacity (administration and department staffing) to manage its budget efficiently? | 0 to 100 where 0= no capacity, 25= little capacity, 50=some capacity, 75= good capacity, 100=full capacity | 72 | 72 | |||
3 | Is there in place a good and effective financial management and control mechanisms? | 0=No mechanisms in place, 25=few mechanisms in place, 50=some mechanisms, 75=good number of mechanisms, 100=All necessary mechanisms | 78 | 78 | |||
3 | Is there in place a good and effective financial management and control mechanisms? | 0=No mechanisms in place, 25=few mechanisms in place, 50=some mechanisms, 75=good number of mechanisms, 100=All necessary mechanisms | 83 | 83 | |||
4 | How efficient is the municipality in collecting local revenues (tax and tariffs) from citizens and businesses? | % of the own revenues over total revenues (2016). That will be the score assigned | 31 | 31 | |||
4 | How efficient is the municipality in collecting local revenues (tax and tariffs) from citizens and businesses? | % of the own revenues over total revenues (2016). That will be the score assigned | 7 | 7 |
Sub-criteria 3 Informed Decision-Making: Is the decision-making based on reliable and updated information? 66
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | Is the municipality decision making based on reliable statistics/data and up to date information? | 0=No reliable statistics, 25=few reliable statistics, 50=some reliable statistics, 75=Reliable statistics, 100=Very reliable statistics | 78 | 75 | 76 | ||
1 | Is the municipality decision making based on reliable statistics/data and up to date information? | 0=No reliable statistics, 25=few reliable statistics, 50=some reliable statistics, 75=Reliable statistics, 100=Very reliable statistics | 67 | 75 | 71 | ||
2 | How reliable are the data on the Land Registry that your Municipality uses? | 0=No reliability in Land Registry, 25=Little reliability, 50=some reliability, 75=High reliability, 100=Full reliability | 55 | 55 | |||
2 | How reliable are the data on the Land Registry that your Municipality uses? | 0=No reliability in Land Registry, 25=Little reliability, 50=some reliability, 75=High reliability, 100=Full reliability | 83 | 83 | |||
3 | To what extent does the municipality use a GIS system/Platform? | 0=No usage/system, 25=Little usage, 50=Average usage, 75=High usage, 100=Full usage | 0 | 0 | |||
3 | To what extent does the municipality use a GIS system/Platform? | 0=No usage/system, 25=Little usage, 50=Average usage, 75=High usage, 100=Full usage | 32 | 32 | |||
4 | Is there a comprehensive reporting system within the municipality? | 0=No system, 25=little reporting, 50=average reporting, 75=good reporting, 100=Very Good Reporting | 85 | 85 | |||
4 | Is there a comprehensive reporting system within the municipality? | 0=No system, 25=little reporting, 50=average reporting, 75=good reporting, 100=Very Good Reporting | 78 | 78 |
Sub-criteria 4 Effective coordination and cooperation: Are the municipality interactions with central government, donors, other municipalities etc. effective and efficient? 65
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | How effective is the process of consultation between central and local government? | 0=No effectiveness, 25=little effectiveness, 50=average effectiveness, 75=good effectiveness 100=very good effectiveness | 90 | 90 | |||
1 | How effective is the process of consultation between central and local government? | 0=No effectiveness, 25=little effectiveness, 50=average effectiveness, 75=good effectiveness 100=very good effectiveness | 53 | 53 | |||
2 | How effective is the coordination among the municipal departments? | 0=No effectiveness, 25=little effectiveness, 50=average effectiveness, 75=good effectiveness 100=very good effectiveness | 88 | 88 | |||
2 | How effective is the coordination among the municipal departments? | 0=No effectiveness, 25=little effectiveness, 50=average effectiveness, 75=good effectiveness 100=very good effectiveness | 89 | 89 | |||
3 | To what extent is the Municipality productive in its cooperation with donors and international community? | 0=No cooperation, 25=little cooperation, 50=Some cooperation, 75=Good cooperation, 100=Perfect cooperation | 70 | 70 | |||
3 | To what extent is the Municipality productive in its cooperation with donors and international community? | 0=No cooperation, 25=little cooperation, 50=Some cooperation, 75=Good cooperation, 100=Perfect cooperation | 19 | 19 | |||
4 | To what level does the local government cooperates with other municipalities? | 0=No cooperation, 25=little cooperation, 50=Some cooperation, 75=Good cooperation, 100=Perfect cooperation | 80 | 80 | |||
4 | To what level does the local government cooperates with other municipalities? | 0=No cooperation, 25=little cooperation, 50=Some cooperation, 75=Good cooperation, 100=Perfect cooperation | 71 | 71 | |||
5 | Is there a good internal cooperation within the municipal council? | 0=No cooperation, 25=little cooperation, 50=Some cooperation, 75=Good cooperation, 100=Perfect cooperation | 80 | 80 | |||
5 | Is there a good internal cooperation within the municipal council? | 0=No cooperation, 25=little cooperation, 50=Some cooperation, 75=Good cooperation, 100=Perfect cooperation | 94 | 94 |
Sub-criteria 5 Satisfaction towards services: What is the degree of citizens' satisfaction with the quality of public service delivery and its accessibility? 81
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | What is the level of municipal service delivery availability and access? | % of Citizens that give an opinion for all 21 services scored | 71 | 71 | |||
1 | What is the level of municipal service delivery availability and access? | % of Citizens that give an opinion for all 21 services scored | 83 | 83 | |||
2 | To what extent are the citizens satisfied with the quality of service delivery in their municipality? | Aggregation of scores for all 21 services | 60 | 60 | |||
2 | To what extent are the citizens satisfied with the quality of service delivery in their municipality? | Aggregation of scores for all 21 services | 51 | 51 | |||
3 | Does local government conduct assessments to determine the level of satisfaction that citizens have with the delivery of public services? | 0=No assessment at all, 25=irregular and few assessment, 50=Some assessments, 75= regular assessments, 100=full procedure and regularity for citizen assessments of service satisfaction | 55 | 59 | 57 | ||
3 | Does local government conduct assessments to determine the level of satisfaction that citizens have with the delivery of public services? | 0=No assessment at all, 25=irregular and few assessment, 50=Some assessments, 75= regular assessments, 100=full procedure and regularity for citizen assessments of service satisfaction | 89 | 89 | 89 | ||
4 | Do people have equal access to local government services? | 0=no, 25=few people, 50=some people, 75=most people, 100=all people | 98 | 94 | 96 | ||
4 | Do people have equal access to local government services? | 0=no, 25=few people, 50=some people, 75=most people, 100=all people | 75 | 93 | 84 | ||
5 | Is the process of obtaining municipal administrative services (permits, licenses, certifications, different documents etc.) easily accessed? | 0=very difficult, 25= difficult, 50=average, 75=easy, 100=very easy | 72 | 85 | 78 | ||
5 | Is the process of obtaining municipal administrative services (permits, licenses, certifications, different documents etc.) easily accessed? | 0=very difficult, 25= difficult, 50=average, 75=easy, 100=very easy | 93 | 78 | 86 | ||
6 | Do women and men have equal access to local government services? | 0 to 100 where 0=not at all equal and 100= completely equal | 99 | 99 | |||
6 | Do women and men have equal access to local government services? | 0 to 100 where 0=not at all equal and 100= completely equal | 94 | 94 |
Sub-criteria 1 Transparency: Is information related to public service delivery performance and resources planning and utilization (including bidding processes) available and accessible for citizens? 75
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | How Transparent is your local Government? | 0-Not at all transparent to 100- Completely transparent | 59 | 59 | |||
1 | How Transparent is your local Government? | 0-Not at all transparent to 100- Completely transparent | 43 | 43 | |||
2 | Is there a good information flow from the Municipality around local projects, activities, municipal budget or service provision available and accessible? | 0=No Information, 25=little information, 50=some information, 75=good information, 100=All necessary information/Very Good | 88 | 81 | 39 | 69 | |
2 | Is there a good information flow from the Municipality around local projects, activities, municipal budget or service provision available and accessible? | 0=No Information, 25=little information, 50=some information, 75=good information, 100=All necessary information/Very Good | 97 | 96 | 34 | 76 | |
3 | Does the municipality have transparent administrative procedures (e.g. to get a building permit, business license, etc.)? | 0=No at transparent procedures, 25=little transparent, 50=Average, 75=Good level of transparency, 100=Fully transparent | 90 | 84 | 87 | ||
3 | Does the municipality have transparent administrative procedures (e.g. to get a building permit, business license, etc.)? | 0=No at transparent procedures, 25=little transparent, 50=Average, 75=Good level of transparency, 100=Fully transparent | 81 | 93 | 87 | ||
4 | Do communities have access to information about the performance of the local services, the resources available to it, and how these resources were used? | 0=No Information, 25=little information, 50=some information, 75=good information, 100=All necessary information/Very Good | 70 | 63 | 66 | ||
4 | Do communities have access to information about the performance of the local services, the resources available to it, and how these resources were used? | 0=No Information, 25=little information, 50=some information, 75=good information, 100=All necessary information/Very Good | 89 | 86 | 88 | ||
5 | Does the municipality have a website that is updated with the all relevant information? | 0= no website, 25= website with little update, 50= website with average update, 75= website with good updated, 100= website with full updated information | 85 | 75 | 80 | ||
5 | Does the municipality have a website that is updated with the all relevant information? | 0= no website, 25= website with little update, 50= website with average update, 75= website with good updated, 100= website with full updated information | 67 | 96 | 82 |
Sub-criteria 2 Rule of Law: Effectiveness of Institutional Legal Framework: What is the level of effectiveness of the institutional legal framework - at local level? 71
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | Is the institutional legal framework effective and efficient in ensuring equal rights for all municipality citizens (women, man, youth, and vulnerable groups)? | 0=Not at all effective, 25= little, 50=Average, 70=Good level, 100=Fully effective | 78 | 75 | 76 | ||
1 | Is the institutional legal framework effective and efficient in ensuring equal rights for all municipality citizens (women, man, youth, and vulnerable groups)? | 0=Not at all effective, 25= little, 50=Average, 70=Good level, 100=Fully effective | 92 | 96 | 94 | ||
2 | Are there measures in place (with regard to municipality) to educate citizens about their legal rights and obligations? | 0=No measures, 25=few measures, 50=some measures, 75=Good measures, 100=All necessary measures | 70 | 69 | 69 | ||
2 | Are there measures in place (with regard to municipality) to educate citizens about their legal rights and obligations? | 0=No measures, 25=few measures, 50=some measures, 75=Good measures, 100=All necessary measures | 69 | 82 | 76 | ||
3 | Does the local government raise awareness through its own website or public media (radio, newspapers, and social media) about laws and local regulations? | 0=no awareness raising, 25=little awareness raising, 50=some awareness raising, 75=good awareness Raising, 100=full awareness raising | 73 | 72 | 33 | 59 | |
3 | Does the local government raise awareness through its own website or public media (radio, newspapers, and social media) about laws and local regulations? | 0=no awareness raising, 25=little awareness raising, 50=some awareness raising, 75=good awareness Raising, 100=full awareness raising | 69 | 100 | 33 | 67 | |
4 | Does the Municipality enforce local laws and regulations impartially? | Scale: 0=Not at all to 100= completely | 43 | 43 | |||
4 | Does the Municipality enforce local laws and regulations impartially? | Scale: 0=Not at all to 100= completely | 48 | 48 |
Sub-criteria 3 Incidence of Corruption: What is the degree of corruption? 83
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | Is there any anti-corruption policy, strategy or action plan in place dealing with corruption or bribing cases at local level? | 0=No Policy/strategy/action plan, 50=existing but insufficient, 100=Existing and sufficient | 75 | 66 | 70 | ||
1 | Is there any anti-corruption policy, strategy or action plan in place dealing with corruption or bribing cases at local level? | 0=No Policy/strategy/action plan, 50=existing but insufficient, 100=Existing and sufficient | 83 | 100 | 92 | ||
2 | What is Corruption Perception level for the Municipal Government? | Scale: 0= Completely corrupt to 100= Not at all corrupt | 53 | 53 | |||
2 | What is Corruption Perception level for the Municipal Government? | Scale: 0= Completely corrupt to 100= Not at all corrupt | 51 | 51 | |||
3 | What is the Corruption Experience level with the Municipal Structures? | % of citizens how had at least one contact with Municipality during the last 12 months and said that no bribe was paid or implied. | 93 | 93 | |||
3 | What is the Corruption Experience level with the Municipal Structures? | % of citizens how had at least one contact with Municipality during the last 12 months and said that no bribe was paid or implied. | 98 | 98 | |||
4 | Are there local government systems/mechanisms to prevent corruption in your Municipality? | 0=no mechanisms, 25=poor mechanisms, 50=average, 75=good mechanisms, 100=Perfect mechanisms | 83 | 72 | 77 | ||
4 | Are there local government systems/mechanisms to prevent corruption in your Municipality? | 0=no mechanisms, 25=poor mechanisms, 50=average, 75=good mechanisms, 100=Perfect mechanisms | 86 | 100 | 93 |
Sub-criteria 1 Checks and Balances: Are there institutions, which have control, supervision, and sanction power on the local administration? 86
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | Are there open forums for CSOs to engage with local authorities on the Municipal budgeting and planning process? | 0=no, there aren't any, 25= few forums with little access, 50=some forums with some access, 75=Yes there are forums mostly accessible, 100=Enough Forums fully accessible | 43 | 47 | 45 | ||
1 | Are there open forums for CSOs to engage with local authorities on the Municipal budgeting and planning process? | 0=no, there aren't any, 25= few forums with little access, 50=some forums with some access, 75=Yes there are forums mostly accessible, 100=Enough Forums fully accessible | 75 | 93 | 84 | ||
2 | Are local non-governmental organizations well equipped and skilled to hold local government accountable? 
 | (0 = Not capable at all; 25=Mostly not capable; 50=Average, 75= Mostly Capable, 100 = Very capable | 50 | 50 | 50 | ||
2 | Are local non-governmental organizations well equipped and skilled to hold local government accountable? 
 | (0 = Not capable at all; 25=Mostly not capable; 50=Average, 75= Mostly Capable, 100 = Very capable | 72 | 93 | 83 | ||
3 | Does the Municipal Council have oversight of the municipal government functions? | 0=no, 25=poor, 50=fair, 75, very good, 100=excellent, | 90 | 81 | 86 | ||
3 | Does the Municipal Council have oversight of the municipal government functions? | 0=no, 25=poor, 50=fair, 75, very good, 100=excellent, | 91 | 96 | 94 | ||
4 | Does the municipality management follow adequately the recommendations of the audits (State Audit)? | 0=not at all, 25=rarely, 50=sometimes, 75=a lot of the time, 100=all the time | 90 | 90 | |||
4 | Does the municipality management follow adequately the recommendations of the audits (State Audit)? | 0=not at all, 25=rarely, 50=sometimes, 75=a lot of the time, 100=all the time | 94 | 94 | |||
5 | Are community councils involved in the monitoring and evaluation of the public sector performance? (departments, projects, budgeting) | 0=No/No community councils exist, 25=little involvement, 50=average, 75=good involvement, 100=Very high involvement | 45 | 44 | 44 | ||
5 | Are community councils involved in the monitoring and evaluation of the public sector performance? (departments, projects, budgeting) | 0=No/No community councils exist, 25=little involvement, 50=average, 75=good involvement, 100=Very high involvement | 66 | 86 | 76 |
Sub-criteria 2 Recourse: Are there any recourse mechanisms for different groups in place, and are they effective? 90
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | Does the municipality have the mechanisms for lodging complaints and giving a feedback (e.g. Complaint Office)? | 0=no mechanisms, 25=there is a mechanism but with little or no feedback 50=there is a mechanism with average feedback, 75=there is a mechanism with good feedback, 100=there is a mechanism with full feedback | 90 | 81 | 86 | ||
1 | Does the municipality have the mechanisms for lodging complaints and giving a feedback (e.g. Complaint Office)? | 0=no mechanisms, 25=there is a mechanism but with little or no feedback 50=there is a mechanism with average feedback, 75=there is a mechanism with good feedback, 100=there is a mechanism with full feedback | 97 | 100 | 99 | ||
2 | Is there any feedback mechanisms established for citizens to share inputs with local government concerning services delivery? | 0=no mechanisms, 25=few mechanisms, 50=some mechanisms, 75=good number of mechanisms, 100=all the necessary mechanisms | 65 | 63 | 64 | ||
2 | Is there any feedback mechanisms established for citizens to share inputs with local government concerning services delivery? | 0=no mechanisms, 25=few mechanisms, 50=some mechanisms, 75=good number of mechanisms, 100=all the necessary mechanisms | 91 | 100 | 96 | ||
3 | How effective is the municipality in treating citizens or businesses complaints? | 0=No effectiveness 25= Mostly ineffective, 50=Average, 75= Mostly effective, 100=Very effective | 85 | 66 | 45 | 65 | |
3 | How effective is the municipality in treating citizens or businesses complaints? | 0=No effectiveness 25= Mostly ineffective, 50=Average, 75= Mostly effective, 100=Very effective | 89 | 100 | 38 | 76 |
Sub-criteria 3 Government's Responsiveness: What is the level of Municipality local government's responsiveness? 78
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | Is the local government responsive to requests (i.e. letters and phones calls) from the community regarding projects, developmental issues etc.? | 0=no responsiveness, 25=little responsiveness, 50=some responsiveness, 75= good responsiveness, 100= full responsiveness | 85 | 69 | 77 | ||
1 | Is the local government responsive to requests (i.e. letters and phones calls) from the community regarding projects, developmental issues etc.? | 0=no responsiveness, 25=little responsiveness, 50=some responsiveness, 75= good responsiveness, 100= full responsiveness | 94 | 93 | 94 | ||
2 | Is the local government responsive to filed complaints of citizens? | 0=no responsiveness, 25=little responsiveness, 50=some responsiveness, 75= good responsiveness, 100= full responsiveness | 59 | 41 | 50 | ||
2 | Is the local government responsive to filed complaints of citizens? | 0=no responsiveness, 25=little responsiveness, 50=some responsiveness, 75= good responsiveness, 100= full responsiveness | 100 | 25 | 63 | ||
3 | What is the average of resolved complaints by the municipality? | 0=No data or & of cases resolved over the total cases | 85 | 85 | |||
3 | What is the average of resolved complaints by the municipality? | 0=No data or & of cases resolved over the total cases |
Sub-criteria 1 Institutional Framework: Is there an effective institutional framework for managing citizen participation? 79
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | Are there opportunities/platforms for citizen participation in development planning (annual plans, budgets, and legislations) and decision-making process (LGUs public consultation process, municipal council meetings etc.)? | 0=No opportunities, 25=few opportunities, 50=some opportunities, 75=Good opportunities, 100=All necessary opportunities/Very Good | 68 | 66 | 67 | ||
1 | Are there opportunities/platforms for citizen participation in development planning (annual plans, budgets, and legislations) and decision-making process (LGUs public consultation process, municipal council meetings etc.)? | 0=No opportunities, 25=few opportunities, 50=some opportunities, 75=Good opportunities, 100=All necessary opportunities/Very Good | 72 | 86 | 79 | ||
2 | Are there community structures as councils, arising from civic initiative, which tackle different issues and propose changes and suggestions to the local government? | 0=No structure, 25=few structures 50= some structures, 75=a good number of structures, 100=all necessary/needed structures | 35 | 34 | 35 | ||
2 | Are there community structures as councils, arising from civic initiative, which tackle different issues and propose changes and suggestions to the local government? | 0=No structure, 25=few structures 50= some structures, 75=a good number of structures, 100=all necessary/needed structures | 67 | 93 | 80 | ||
3 | How effective is the function of the Coordinator of public consultation and notification at your municipality? | 0=Not at all effective, 25=little, 50=average, 75=good, 100=very good | 63 | 59 | 61 | ||
3 | How effective is the function of the Coordinator of public consultation and notification at your municipality? | 0=Not at all effective, 25=little, 50=average, 75=good, 100=very good | 81 | 82 | 82 | ||
4 | How effective is the function of the Coordinator of the Right on Information at your Municipality? | 0=Not at all effective, 25=little, 50=average, 75=good, 100=very good | 60 | 63 | 61 | ||
4 | How effective is the function of the Coordinator of the Right on Information at your Municipality? | 0=Not at all effective, 25=little, 50=average, 75=good, 100=very good | 72 | 89 | 81 | ||
5 | Does the Municipality have a participatory budget system, where citizens have the opportunity to participate and affect allocations? | 0=no system 25=limited participation with no or little impact, 50=average participation with average/good impact, 75=good participation with good impact, 100= very good participation with full impact | 45 | 45 | |||
5 | Does the Municipality have a participatory budget system, where citizens have the opportunity to participate and affect allocations? | 0=no system 25=limited participation with no or little impact, 50=average participation with average/good impact, 75=good participation with good impact, 100= very good participation with full impact | 75 | 75 |
Sub-criteria 2 Decision making: Is there an effective dialogue platform which ensures the involvement of all stakeholders in the process of decision making? 81
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | Are the CSO able to lobby and advocate effectively to influence local government planning and decision-making? | 0=No ability, 25=little, 50=average, 75=Good, 100=Great/Very good ability | 43 | 41 | 42 | ||
1 | Are the CSO able to lobby and advocate effectively to influence local government planning and decision-making? | 0=No ability, 25=little, 50=average, 75=Good, 100=Great/Very good ability | 56 | 79 | 68 | ||
2 | Does Local Government engage youth in government decision making? | 0=never, 25=rarely, 50=sometimes, 75=often, 100=always | 65 | 59 | 62 | ||
2 | Does Local Government engage youth in government decision making? | 0=never, 25=rarely, 50=sometimes, 75=often, 100=always | 86 | 89 | 88 | ||
3 | Does Local government engage vulnerable groups (disabled, extreme poor, marginalized communities, elderly) in decision making? | 0=never, 25=rarely, 50=sometimes, 75=often, 100=always | 43 | 41 | 42 | ||
3 | Does Local government engage vulnerable groups (disabled, extreme poor, marginalized communities, elderly) in decision making? | 0=never, 25=rarely, 50=sometimes, 75=often, 100=always | 83 | 89 | 86 | ||
4 | Does the local government engage women in decision making? | Average of three indices below | 98 | 98 | |||
4 | Does the local government engage women in decision making? | Average of three indices below | 85 | 85 | |||
41 | Percentage of Women at the Municipal Council | >=50% equals 100 points | 93 | 93 | |||
41 | Percentage of Women at the Municipal Council | >=50% equals 100 points | 93 | 93 | |||
42 | Percentage of Women in Management Positions | >=50% equals 100 points | 100 | 100 | |||
42 | Percentage of Women in Management Positions | >=50% equals 100 points | 62 | 62 | |||
43 | Percentage of Women over total number of Municipal Employees | >=50% equals 100 points | 100 | 100 | |||
43 | Percentage of Women over total number of Municipal Employees | >=50% equals 100 points | 100 | 100 | |||
5 | How effective is the function of gender and domestic violence officer/professional in your municipality? | 0=Not at all effective, 25=little, 50=average, 75=good, 100=very good | 0 | 3 | 2 | ||
5 | How effective is the function of gender and domestic violence officer/professional in your municipality? | 0=Not at all effective, 25=little, 50=average, 75=good, 100=very good | 69 | 89 | 79 |
Sub-criteria 3 Citizen Engagement: What is the level of citizen engagement? 66
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | Do citizens participate in local government strategic planning meetings? | 0=never, 25=rarely, 50=sometimes, 75=often, 100=always | 50 | 47 | 48 | ||
1 | Do citizens participate in local government strategic planning meetings? | 0=never, 25=rarely, 50=sometimes, 75=often, 100=always | 69 | 96 | 83 | ||
2 | Are citizens active in engaging with local government or CSOs to improve local situation? | % of households that has done at least one of the following: -. Participated in public meetings, hearings, Council sessions, NGO activities, Communal activities, etc. | 17 | 17 | |||
2 | Are citizens active in engaging with local government or CSOs to improve local situation? | % of households that has done at least one of the following: -. Participated in public meetings, hearings, Council sessions, NGO activities, Communal activities, etc. | 13 | 13 | |||
3 | Are the local government projects implemented with the participation of local actors/citizens in the Municipality? | 0=never, 25=rarely, 50=sometimes, 75=often, 100=always | 88 | 78 | 83 | ||
3 | Are the local government projects implemented with the participation of local actors/citizens in the Municipality? | 0=never, 25=rarely, 50=sometimes, 75=often, 100=always | 78 | 93 | 86 | ||
4 | Are citizens involved in the monitoring and evaluation of the public sector performance? (departments, projects, budgeting) | 0= no involvement, 25= little involvement, 50= some involvement, 75= a lot of involvement, 100= very high involvement | 55 | 53 | 54 | ||
4 | Are citizens involved in the monitoring and evaluation of the public sector performance? (departments, projects, budgeting) | 0= no involvement, 25= little involvement, 50= some involvement, 75= a lot of involvement, 100= very high involvement | 69 | 96 | 83 |
Sub-criteria 4 Civic engagement: What is the level of civic engagement? 55
Indicator | Scoring Scale | Data Source |
Score | ||||
MFGMunicipality Focus Group
CDCommunity Dialogue
CRCCitizen Report Card
DRDesk Research
1 | Are citizens affiliated or have membership in political parties, trade unions and NGOs? | % of citizens that declare membership at least on the following – political part, religious group, charity organization, NGO/association, community group, etc. | 16 | 16 | |||
1 | Are citizens affiliated or have membership in political parties, trade unions and NGOs? | % of citizens that declare membership at least on the following – political part, religious group, charity organization, NGO/association, community group, etc. | 13 | 13 | |||
2 | Are citizens aware of their civil rights and responsibilities as members of the community? | 0=no awareness, 25=little awareness, 50=some awareness, 75=a lot of awareness, 100=full awareness | 63 | 56 | 59 | ||
2 | Are citizens aware of their civil rights and responsibilities as members of the community? | 0=no awareness, 25=little awareness, 50=some awareness, 75=a lot of awareness, 100=full awareness | 75 | 96 | 86 | ||
3 | Are citizens active in interacting with local government or publicly expressing their opinions about local/political/social issues? | % of people who declare that have had at least one interaction which local government or have public expressed their opinion on a local issue | 15 | 15 | |||
3 | Are citizens active in interacting with local government or publicly expressing their opinions about local/political/social issues? | % of people who declare that have had at least one interaction which local government or have public expressed their opinion on a local issue | 14 | 14 | |||
4 | Are the CSOs active and effective in civic education regarding citizen s right and responsibilities? | 0=Not at all, 25=little effective, 50=average 75=Effective, 100=Highly effective | 34 | 34 | |||
4 | Are the CSOs active and effective in civic education regarding citizen s right and responsibilities? | 0=Not at all, 25=little effective, 50=average 75=Effective, 100=Highly effective | 89 | 89 | |||
5 | Does the media have the capability to raise awareness on rights, responsibilities and key local developmental issues? | 0=no capability, 25= little capability, 50=some capability, 75= Good capability 100= Very High capability | 63 | 53 | 58 | ||
5 | Does the media have the capability to raise awareness on rights, responsibilities and key local developmental issues? | 0=no capability, 25= little capability, 50=some capability, 75= Good capability 100= Very High capability | 53 | 96 | 75 |
Download Municipality Profile
Polican Municipality Administrative Map

Local Governance Mapping - Polican Municipality
Effectiveness and Efficiency |
71 |
Transparency & Rule of Law |
77 |
Clear vision and inclusive planning |
83 |
Transparent and accessible information |
75 |
General Local Plan |
90 |
Transparency |
43 |
Strategic Plan |
0 |
Information around projects, activities etc.
76 |
Operational Development Plans |
0 |
Transparent administrative procedures
87 |
Annual Sectorial Plans
81 |
Access to information about services performance |
88 |
Implementation of plans
80 |
Updated Website with all the relevant information
82 |
Financial Management |
60 |
Rule of Law |
71 |
Medium Term Budget Programme |
78 |
Effectiveness of Institutional Legal Framework
94 |
Administration and Department staffing |
72 |
Educative measures on citizens legal rights and obligations |
76 |
Financial management mechanisms |
83 |
Awareness raising on aws and local regulation
67 |
Collection of Local Revenues |
7 |
Impartially enforcement of local laws and regulations
48 |
Informed Decision-Making |
66 |
Corruption |
83 |
Reliable statistics and up to date information |
71 |
Anti-corruption policy, strategy, or action plan |
92 |
Reliability of data on the Land Registry |
83 |
Perception on corruption |
51 |
Usage of GIS Platform |
32 |
Corruption Experience |
98 |
Comprehensive Reporting System |
78 |
Mechanisms to prevent corruption |
93 |
Cooperation with third parties |
65 |
Participation and Citizen Engagement |
70 |
Consultation with central goverment
53 |
Institutional Framework |
79 |
Coordination among departments
89 |
Patforms for citizen participation |
79 |
Cooperation with donors and international community
19 |
Community structures arising from civil initiative |
80 |
Cooperation with other municipalities
71 |
Coordinator of Public consultation & Notification |
82 |
Internal cooperation within the municipal council
94 |
Coordinator of the Right on Information |
81 |
Satisfaction towards services |
81 |
Participatory budget system |
75 |
Access to municipal service delivery |
83 |
Involvement of all stakeholders |
81 |
Quality of service delivery |
51 |
Influence of CSO-s in decision-making
68 |
Municipality Assessments for Services Provided |
89 |
Engagement of youth in decision-making
88 |
Equal access to local government services |
84 |
Engagement of vulnerable groups in decision- making
86 |
Obtaining municipal administrative services |
86 |
Engagement of women in decision-making
85 |
Gender equality in access to services |
94 |
Gender and Domestic Violence Officer
79 |
Accountability |
85 |
Citizen Engagement |
66 |
Control mechanisms |
86 |
Participation of citizens in municipal meetings |
83 |
Open forums for CSOs to engage with local authorities |
84 |
Engagement with local government or CSOs |
13 |
Well equipped and skilled local NGOs |
83 |
Participation of citizens on local government projects |
86 |
The supervisory role of Municipal Counsil |
94 |
Involvement in monitoring and evaluation |
83 |
Following of recommendations of state audit |
94 |
Civil engagement |
55 |
Involment of community councils in monitoring |
76 |
Membership in political parties, trade unions and NGOs |
13 |
Recourse |
90 |
Awareness of legal rights and responsibilities |
86 |
Mechanisms for lodging complaints |
99 |
Active Citizens in Interaction on Local Issues |
14 |
Mechanisms to share inputs |
96 |
CSOs active in educating citizens |
89 |
Effectivity on treating complaints |
76 |
The capability of media to raise awareness |
75 |
Responsiveness |
78 |
Responsiveness to requests from the community |
94 |
Responding to complaints |
63 |
The average of complaints fully addressed |
0 |
Legends | |
85 | (80 - 100 points) very good |
65 | (60 - 79 points) good |
50 | (40 - 59 points) average |
32 | (20 - 39 points) poor |
15 | (0 - 19 points) very poor |