Analytical Framework of Local Governance

This framework is based on the methodology and structure of Local Governance Barometer (LGB) adopted within the context of Albania local government development. The model of Local Governance Barometer (LGB) includes a set of localized governance indicators that are used by the various stakeholders’ groups to score performance on governance measures at the local level. This method emphasizes awareness raising and constructive dialogue around governance and presents an overview of governance strength and weaknesses. The Analytical Framework based on LGB ensures representation of actors from both government (key local government staff) and non-government actors (citizens and CSOs). It concentrates more on the ‘interactive’ dimensions of governance, aiming to offer a mapping for each municipality.

Effectiveness and Efficiency

Effectiveness implies the development/ financial planning and coordination capacity of local self-government to respond to citizens’ priorities in delivery of services and economic development. Local self-government produces and delivers quality services to people making best use of public resources in meeting its stated development objectives. Efficiency means cost effective use of limited financial and human resources without waste, delays or misuse (corruption). Effectiveness means that limited resources contributes maximum to municipal development objectives and priorities while efficiency means that this limited resources are used the right manner.

This criterion includes several sub-criteria such as the:

  • vision and planning of local administration (if the latter have gone through a participatory and inclusive process),
  • financial management (planning and management of local financial resources),
  • informed decision making (based on reliable and updated information),
  • coordination and cooperation (the municipality interactions with central government, donors, and other municipalities) and the
  • level of satisfaction toward services (quality and accessibility of public service delivery)


Transparency and Rule of Law

Transparency ensures that local self-government’s action, decisions and decision-making processes are made public and open for examination/questioning by the people who are directly affected by those decisions. It is associated with unfettered access to timely and reliable information on decisions and performance. Rule of Law includes the “terms of reference” of the social contract whereby citizens live together and are governed by the public authority. Rule of law prevails when terms of the social contract are respected by citizens and the government, where such terms are applied either through voluntary cooperation or legal procedures and institutions, and when violations of the terms of the contract are punished.

For the needs of this framework this criteria is represented by the following sub-criterion:

  • transparency (if public service delivery performance and resources planning and utilization are available and accessible for citizens),
  • rule of law regarding the Institutional Legal Framework at local level (whether or not a relevant legal framework exists and if it’s effective) and
  • incidence of corruption (existence of anti-corruption policies, corruption perception level, corruption experience level).



Accountability is defined as the ability of the municipality to justify and report its actions to citizens, council and address citizens’ complaints. Local self-government is able to show and explain and be held accountable for its decisions based on agreed targets and objectives to the public at large. It is associated with the idea of answerability.

The accountability criteria is composed by the following sub-criterion:

  • checks and balances (whether or not are there institutions, which have control, supervision, and sanction power on the local administration),
  • recourse (if there are in place various mechanisms for complaints and citizens’ input and if they are effective) and
  • government responsiveness (level of municipal responsiveness to field inquiries and complaint)


Participation and Citizen Engagement

Active participation of all citizens (inclusion of different groups) and civil society in local development planning for the appropriate allocation of resources in local government interventions. This involves the active, free and meaningful involvement of men, women and other groups from the public in the decision-making process.

The Participation and Citizen Engagement criteria is represented by the following sub-criterion:

  • institutional framework (if there exist an institutional framework which ensures and manages citizen participation),
  • decision making (involvement of all stakeholders in the decision-making process),
  • citizen engagement (the level of interaction with local government) and
  • civic engagement (the level of citizens, CSOs, and media activations on local development issues).

Each of the sub-criteria developed has been represented by important indicators (questions) that serve to help the analysis of the mother criteria.